Monday, April 5, 2010

Finally, She Speaks Again

As excited as I was to start this blog, its unfortunate I have not given as much time to it as I thought I would. I really appreciate my followers' support (official and unofficial followers) . Its because of my readers that I'm up late tonight writing this post...Since my last post, there has been a lot going on - in our world and in my own.

Follow up from the first two posts...

I have not lost as much weight as I had planned. I have lost 10-15lbs, increased exercise and am working hard to decrease my intake of bad food. My goal for the future is to establish a more consistent exercise regime and get on the weights!

I'm happy to announce that I assisted the staff at the Louisville Metro Public Health and Wellness Department secure a $7.9 million grant from the Center for Disease Control - funded with stimulus funds and part of First Lady Michelle Obama's initiative to improve the health of America's children. I hope Metro and her partners are able to use the funds in a real way to increase the availability of healthy and local foods in Louisville's underserved neighborhoods and radically change the way in which Jefferson County Public School system feeds and engages its students...

Its late and my mind is way too scattered to write anything of much substance, but I will end with a list of topics I have been thinking about and hope to write about in the future.

  • Louisville's 2010 Mayoral Race
  • The impact race has had on President Obama's administration
  • Crabs in a Barrell: Louisville's Black Middle Class
  • Louisville's Loss of Young Professionals
  • To Be Loved...
  • The lack of conversations about farmers and our agricultural system as we engage in talks about eating healthy
  • The debate about busing and neighborhood schools
  • Texting
  • The importance of an informed and active electorate
  • My Hair!

Just a few "things that make you go, 'hmmm..." - Arsenio Hall